Friday, December 19, 2008

i know its possible

i'm convinced we know nothing. and we seek others words and opinions to help us understand or know. but in the end- truth only comes from deep down. not from opinions. maybe love is truth. and thats why it feels so beautiful and hurts so, so bad. free minds. free love. free truth. how funny to live life respecting and trusting your instincts, while at the same time having another life inside who constantly fights them. its the journey, not the timing. cause in the end- thats what matters. the lessons, the growth, the love....

i want whats best for you all before myself. im learning to find a happy medium because im told im important too- but the secret about all that is i know i am. im grateful for me. i wanna effect. touch. love. experience. be. understand. trust. give. and so much more- and i feel like its all destined in my journey... but the not knowing what your journey is compels me to want everything for you first.

deep breaths? required. self love? required. perspective and strength? required. red wine? required? no no no just kidding. kind of. actually, not really. just kidding! kind of.

in the mean time? talk about the gratefulness. i only hope to inspire you. whoever you are. the economy is a mess. we know this. but there was a time i was a complete mess. and im doing okay. or perhaps i have always been a mess in SOME respect- and the goodness of another part always pulls through and shines brighter. and its very possible things may shine brighter soon. i think about it a lot. whoever you are- whatevers going on- may keep going. may stop in 8 minutes. may never be what you want it to be. but none of its bad. it all is as it is. is that so? keep asking that. is that so? i'm convinced we know nothing!!! and its all a journey. what can we do but keep the faith and have hope.

love begets love.
hope begets hope.
everything begets everything.
but among it all...
love begets love.
and i stand strongly behind that.
i love. always and forever.
and especially now.
and i put my love out there for you all.
and all i ask is you try and take it in and experience it.
or share it.
cause its very possible that its all a circle. or something like the idea of that...
let us feel. and learn. and LOVE. among all.
for in the end
i am convinced, i tell you...
that we know NOTHING,
and among it all,
i know...yes i KNOW.
i know its possible.


Emily Alice said...

Thank you so much for this. truth. I love you!

Life's short. Type fast. said...

i just found your blog and it made my day :)